Has been by far, the most- quixotic Year of my life.
Erratic, Impulsive & so Unpredictable down to the last days.
There were fascinating memories I will always remember. I learnt so much this year about my friends, life & especially myself - What I want; in life, my future & what I want to achieve and be.
It was a spiral of up & down.
Meeting new people
Loosing an amazing individual ; RIP Chris Arnost
Dramatic scenes
Love & Heartache
Getting to know new depths of life -
This year & everything that has occurred, has taught me something new -
Maturity is most definitely the first.
Some-what Patience.
Love; in ways I never thought existed but from a book.
& Strength.
I have achieved everything I could have in 2010-
But 2011 is my year to put everything from this years teachings to practice.
No more negativity.
No more holding grudges.
No more troubled everything & anything.
Nothing can hold me back or push me away.
I wish everyone a lovelette NY & a great 2011`
Do what you want to do.
Fall in-love.
Breathe with ease.
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