I Don't Like To Hurt But
But Everyone Gets Weak
Someone To Rely On
That's What I Really Need
Now Here We Stay
It's All That Were Worth
I've Been Thru The Pain And Been Dragged Thru
The Dirt Whatever They Tell You Were Bigger Than Words
I've Been Where Your Standing I Know How It Hurts
Let This Be A Song Now And This Be A Day
And We Stand Together That Will Be Okay
Because Were Survivors Were Making It Work
Expecting The Best When They Hope For The Worst
One love - This is the way we found
One love - Even though they'll let you down
One love - Nobody's perfect now
One love - Don't let that hold u down
One love - Let's stick together now
One love - We got to stand our ground
One love - It's easy to believe in.
But Everyone Gets Weak
Someone To Rely On
That's What I Really Need
Now Here We Stay
It's All That Were Worth
I've Been Thru The Pain And Been Dragged Thru
The Dirt Whatever They Tell You Were Bigger Than Words
I've Been Where Your Standing I Know How It Hurts
Let This Be A Song Now And This Be A Day
And We Stand Together That Will Be Okay
Because Were Survivors Were Making It Work
Expecting The Best When They Hope For The Worst
One love - This is the way we found
One love - Even though they'll let you down
One love - Nobody's perfect now
One love - Don't let that hold u down
One love - Let's stick together now
One love - We got to stand our ground
One love - It's easy to believe in.
ONELOVE - Feat. Estelle David Guetta
I really didn`t know life could be so thrilling & drama-free as my life is right now!
The people I have now, these very rare amazing peeps.. Just feels amaze
The experiences - The challenges - The relationships
I have nothing to complain about but the baby-bit lady sooky stuf`
I now do believe if you surround yourself w/ negative shizz` & negative environments - it becomes apart of you & your existence!
(: Just on a bit of a calm happy buzz ATM..
Lyrics could tell my life story.
I really didn`t know life could be so thrilling & drama-free as my life is right now!
The people I have now, these very rare amazing peeps.. Just feels amaze
The experiences - The challenges - The relationships
I have nothing to complain about but the baby-bit lady sooky stuf`
I now do believe if you surround yourself w/ negative shizz` & negative environments - it becomes apart of you & your existence!
(: Just on a bit of a calm happy buzz ATM..
This year has already been unforgettable already;
Being broken for the very first time.
Re-acquainting with dear friends,
Letting go of the past & all the bad it came with,
Awaiting the future -
Excited by it
My inspirations becoming reality
developing & building these beautiful relationships further
& Living life to the ultimate!
Being broken for the very first time.
Re-acquainting with dear friends,
Letting go of the past & all the bad it came with,
Awaiting the future -
Excited by it
My inspirations becoming reality
developing & building these beautiful relationships further
& Living life to the ultimate!
There is always going to be bad days.. but no more holding on them to effect me no more.
I let go & wont let it return.
Only time for myself this year, Still have a bad taste in my mouth.
Yesterday- was a bit emotional watching one of my very dearest amaze gf's wedding DVD
- seeing Kristina's Father who has passed away, one specific time seeing kiki and her tata - that moment will live with me forever in my heart.
- Remembering beautiful Chris Arnost - a song played at the reception ; Silence - was very emotional but I know his still rocking, slap the clap being his happy himself up there
Maybe spending couple days with my kiki has inspired me to write and express my emotions..
Some people just bring the best out in you - she is one of those individuals who has ALWAYS been there but as the right time we found a
Fishing tonight- try the yob chicken on STkilda pier! (: It is definetly now my favourite activity!
I let go & wont let it return.
Only time for myself this year, Still have a bad taste in my mouth.
Yesterday- was a bit emotional watching one of my very dearest amaze gf's wedding DVD
- seeing Kristina's Father who has passed away, one specific time seeing kiki and her tata - that moment will live with me forever in my heart.
- Remembering beautiful Chris Arnost - a song played at the reception ; Silence - was very emotional but I know his still rocking, slap the clap being his happy himself up there
R.I.P Mr Pepdjonovic & Chris Arnost
Cant say much more- I just wish the best for there whole familia; Health, Wealth, Strength, Wisdom, Care & Love!* kiss the sky
Maybe spending couple days with my kiki has inspired me to write and express my emotions..
Some people just bring the best out in you - she is one of those individuals who has ALWAYS been there but as the right time we found a
F R I E N D S H I P.
(: puuu`
F R I E N D S H I P.
(: puuu`
Fishing tonight- try the yob chicken on STkilda pier! (: It is definetly now my favourite activity!

i love the scenery!! omfg!! its my new desktop background1!!